Black Tortoise
The tortoise intertwined with a snake is one of the four constellation symbols in Chinese and East-Asian cultures. Alongside the other three symbolic beasts, it is seen as a guardian and it is associated with the cardinal point North, the winter season, the element of water, and the color black.
The tortoise intertwined with a snake is one of the four constellation symbols in Chinese and East-Asian cultures. Alongside the other three symbolic beasts, it is seen as a guardian and it is associated with the cardinal point North, the winter season, the element of water, and the color black.
According to Greek mythology, Scylla and her counterpart Charybdis are sea monsters who live on opposite sides of a narrow strait and attack ships sailing by. There is a very short distance between the creatures, so a ship trying to avoid one of them runs the risk of encountering the other. Legend has it that Scylla was once a beautiful maiden who got turned into a monster.
According to Greek mythology, Scylla and her counterpart Charybdis are sea monsters who live on opposite sides of a narrow strait and attack ships sailing by. There is a very short distance between the creatures, so a ship trying to avoid one of them runs the risk of encountering the other. Legend has it that Scylla was once a beautiful maiden who got turned into a monster.
This enormous sea serpent from Norse mythology is a child of the god Loki. Tossed into the ocean by Odin, it is so large, that it can surround the earth
completely, gripping its own tail. The release of the serpent’s tail would mark the beginning of Ragnarök.
This enormous sea serpent from Norse mythology is a child of the god Loki. Tossed into the ocean by Odin, it is so large, that it can surround the earth
completely, gripping its own tail. The release of the serpent’s tail would mark the beginning of Ragnarök.
This yokai from Japanese folklore is a sea spirit said to appear in calm waters, usually at night, to sink vessels. Once it makes its appearance, the weather becomes dangerously stormy and the spirit requests a barrel from the sailors.
This yokai from Japanese folklore is a sea spirit said to appear in calm waters, usually at night, to sink vessels. Once it makes its appearance, the weather becomes dangerously stormy and the spirit requests a barrel from the sailors.
In Scandinavian folklore, the draugr is an undead creature, the revived corpse of a deceased person. The hideous draugrs are endowed with unnatural
strength and a great variety of magical abilities. They live in graves, guarding the treasures buried therein.
In Scandinavian folklore, the draugr is an undead creature, the revived corpse of a deceased person. The hideous draugrs are endowed with unnatural
strength and a great variety of magical abilities. They live in graves, guarding the treasures buried therein.
The sirens are mythical sea-dwelling beings. Originating in Greek mythology, the figure of the siren evolved during the middle ages up until the present day. With a part-fish (or bird), part-human body, the sirens have beautiful singing voices that can enchant sailors and lure them to their deaths.
The sirens are mythical sea-dwelling beings. Originating in Greek mythology, the figure of the siren evolved during the middle ages up until the present day. With a part-fish (or bird), part-human body, the sirens have beautiful singing voices that can enchant sailors and lure them to their deaths.
In Jewish mythology and tradition, the leviathan is a sea serpent, a monster of great proportions dwelling in the Mediterranean Sea. In modern culture, the term came to refer to sea monsters generally, especially very large whales.
In Jewish mythology and tradition, the leviathan is a sea serpent, a monster of great proportions dwelling in the Mediterranean Sea. In modern culture, the term came to refer to sea monsters generally, especially very large whales.
The giant squid called Kraken is a legendary beast originating in Scandinavian folklore. It is a sea monster of epic proportions, octopus-like in appearance,
with very powerful tentacles that are able to smash a ship to smithereens. It is also a very common figure in modern day fiction.
The giant squid called Kraken is a legendary beast originating in Scandinavian folklore. It is a sea monster of epic proportions, octopus-like in appearance,
with very powerful tentacles that are able to smash a ship to smithereens. It is also a very common figure in modern day fiction.