The gnome is a fantastical being first proposed by the Renaissance alchemist Paracelsus and described as a tiny humanoid or spirit who lives underground and is able to move freely through the earth. It is a common figure in modern fantasy literature and video games.
The gnome is a fantastical being first proposed by the Renaissance alchemist Paracelsus and described as a tiny humanoid or spirit who lives underground and is able to move freely through the earth. It is a common figure in modern fantasy literature and video games.
This curious creature from Germanic folklore appears in many European
cultures with numerous variations. However, the dwarfs are most commonly seen as short, ugly humans who live in the mountains or underground and whose main activities involve mining and smithing.
This curious creature from Germanic folklore appears in many European
cultures with numerous variations. However, the dwarfs are most commonly seen as short, ugly humans who live in the mountains or underground and whose main activities involve mining and smithing.
In Japanese folklore, the fox (kitsune) is endowed with great wisdom and
powerful magic abilities. It is believed that it grows additional tails as it gets older. The more tails a kitsune has (up to 9), the wiser and more powerful it is. Foxes are usually portrayed as tricksters or as supernatural wives and lovers.
In Japanese folklore, the fox (kitsune) is endowed with great wisdom and
powerful magic abilities. It is believed that it grows additional tails as it gets older. The more tails a kitsune has (up to 9), the wiser and more powerful it is. Foxes are usually portrayed as tricksters or as supernatural wives and lovers.
The supernatural humanlike beings from German mythology called “elves” have known numerous variations across space and time. From beautiful, magical creatures to mischievous illness-causing fairies and to the industrious little helpers of Santa Clause, they are still a prominent figure in modern fantasy fiction, boardgames and video games.
The supernatural humanlike beings from German mythology called “elves” have known numerous variations across space and time. From beautiful, magical creatures to mischievous illness-causing fairies and to the industrious little helpers of Santa Clause, they are still a prominent figure in modern fantasy fiction, boardgames and video games.
In Old Norse mythology, Rataoskr is a squirrel who carries messages between the great eagle atop the mythical tree Yggdrasil and the serpent dwelling underneath its roots. It is sometimes portrayed with a horn.
In Old Norse mythology, Rataoskr is a squirrel who carries messages between the great eagle atop the mythical tree Yggdrasil and the serpent dwelling underneath its roots. It is sometimes portrayed with a horn.
The famous centaurs from Greek mythology are hybrid beings with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. They are of divine origin, having been spawned by the gods. They are a common figure in modern fantasy works.
The famous centaurs from Greek mythology are hybrid beings with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. They are of divine origin, having been spawned by the gods. They are a common figure in modern fantasy works.
The word “fairy” encompasses a wide variety of supernatural beings (fallen
angels, spirits of the dead, pagan deities, cute little hero sidekicks, etc.) in folk beliefs and popular culture all over the world. They are feared for their magical powers and their trouble-causing habits. Although they’re likely not real, we can all claim to have met some of them… in our favorite fairy tales!
The word “fairy” encompasses a wide variety of supernatural beings (fallen
angels, spirits of the dead, pagan deities, cute little hero sidekicks, etc.) in folk beliefs and popular culture all over the world. They are feared for their magical powers and their trouble-causing habits. Although they’re likely not real, we can all claim to have met some of them… in our favorite fairy tales!
Ever since ancient times, the unicorn is a prominent figure in European folklore. This beautiful legendary beast resembles a horse with a single long horn on its forehead. It is used in art and works of fiction as a symbol of purity and rarity, and its horn is said to possess healing properties.
Ever since ancient times, the unicorn is a prominent figure in European folklore. This beautiful legendary beast resembles a horse with a single long horn on its forehead. It is used in art and works of fiction as a symbol of purity and rarity, and its horn is said to possess healing properties.