This rhinoceros-like fantastical beast originates in Persian and Arabic cultures. It is a blend of rhinoceros and unicorn, fierce to other animals, but easily appeased by human virgins, and its horn is said to have important medicinal qualities.
This rhinoceros-like fantastical beast originates in Persian and Arabic cultures. It is a blend of rhinoceros and unicorn, fierce to other animals, but easily appeased by human virgins, and its horn is said to have important medicinal qualities.
In Aztec mythology, the ahuizotl is a aquatic animal covered in fur, with a long tail that ends in a human-like hand. It lives in bodies of water and its main function is to lure humans and bring death upon them.
In Aztec mythology, the ahuizotl is a aquatic animal covered in fur, with a long tail that ends in a human-like hand. It lives in bodies of water and its main function is to lure humans and bring death upon them.
The bunyip is a legendary creature featured in Aboriginal Australian mythology. Descriptions of the being vary widely, but its presence is invariably associated with bodies of water. It presumably preys on humans.
The bunyip is a legendary creature featured in Aboriginal Australian mythology. Descriptions of the being vary widely, but its presence is invariably associated with bodies of water. It presumably preys on humans.
The fossegrims are water spirits in Scandinavian folklore. They can be encountered near rivers and waterfalls, and they are exceptionally talented fiddle players. A fossegrim will teach fiddle playing to anyone able to provide a ritualistic food offering.
The fossegrims are water spirits in Scandinavian folklore. They can be encountered near rivers and waterfalls, and they are exceptionally talented fiddle players. A fossegrim will teach fiddle playing to anyone able to provide a ritualistic food offering.
The human-turtle yokai from Japanese folklore is a highly complex figure. It is an amphibious creature with a dish-like structure on its head that contains a liquid. If this liquid is depleted, the kappa weakens considerably. It enjoys cucumbers, it is adept at wrestling, and it is mostly hostile towards human beings. However, there are means of befriending a kappa, in which case it becomes helpful.
The human-turtle yokai from Japanese folklore is a highly complex figure. It is an amphibious creature with a dish-like structure on its head that contains a liquid. If this liquid is depleted, the kappa weakens considerably. It enjoys cucumbers, it is adept at wrestling, and it is mostly hostile towards human beings. However, there are means of befriending a kappa, in which case it becomes helpful.
In Welsh mythology, the afanc is a legendary lake monster similar to a crocodile, a beaver or even a dwarf. It attacks human beings who swim in the lake it inhabits. The afanc features prominently in Arthurian legends, where it is vanquished by Percival.
In Welsh mythology, the afanc is a legendary lake monster similar to a crocodile, a beaver or even a dwarf. It attacks human beings who swim in the lake it inhabits. The afanc features prominently in Arthurian legends, where it is vanquished by Percival.
In Scottish folklore, the kelpie is a mythical black horse dwelling in rivers or lakes. It preys on humans and it has the ability to transform into a human being, but it can be usually identified as a water spirit by the weed in its hair.
In Scottish folklore, the kelpie is a mythical black horse dwelling in rivers or lakes. It preys on humans and it has the ability to transform into a human being, but it can be usually identified as a water spirit by the weed in its hair.
The Loch Ness Monster
Also known as Nessie, this legendary animal is believed by many to live in the waters of Loch Ness in Scotland. Over time, there have been many reports of a strange creature with a long neck and humped back appearing on the surface of the water, but most of these reports have since been debunked as hoaxes or misidentifications.
Also known as Nessie, this legendary animal is believed by many to live in the waters of Loch Ness in Scotland. Over time, there have been many reports of a strange creature with a long neck and humped back appearing on the surface of the water, but most of these reports have since been debunked as hoaxes or misidentifications.