This great beast from Persian mythology, also called Sarsaok, is a primeval ox, a fearsome creature. It is the source from which the first men drew the beverage that granted immortality.
This great beast from Persian mythology, also called Sarsaok, is a primeval ox, a fearsome creature. It is the source from which the first men drew the beverage that granted immortality.
In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk is a ghost or the soul of a deceased person who takes over a living person through possession in order to perform an action. Once this is accomplished, the malevolent spirit leaves its host.
In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk is a ghost or the soul of a deceased person who takes over a living person through possession in order to perform an action. Once this is accomplished, the malevolent spirit leaves its host.
The monstrous three-headed hound with a serpent for a tail is the guardian of Hades – the underworld in Greek mythology – preventing the dead from leaving. It was famously captured by the semi-divine hero Heracles in the course of his twelve labors.
The monstrous three-headed hound with a serpent for a tail is the guardian of Hades – the underworld in Greek mythology – preventing the dead from leaving. It was famously captured by the semi-divine hero Heracles in the course of his twelve labors.
In Islamic mythology, an ifrit is a powerful demon made of fire and smoke who inhabits the underworld. Invariably associated with the jinn, it is an evil spirit who behaves with utter malevolence.
In Islamic mythology, an ifrit is a powerful demon made of fire and smoke who inhabits the underworld. Invariably associated with the jinn, it is an evil spirit who behaves with utter malevolence.
This phantom from Greek mythology has the aspect of a beautiful woman with a single copper leg. However, an empusa has the ability to take many forms. According to legend, she seduces men in order to devour them.
This phantom from Greek mythology has the aspect of a beautiful woman with a single copper leg. However, an empusa has the ability to take many forms. According to legend, she seduces men in order to devour them.
The Bogeyman is a fictitious character present in many cultures, specifically invoked to frighten or punish children who misbehave. The appearance and functions of this figure vary considerably from culture to culture.
The Bogeyman is a fictitious character present in many cultures, specifically invoked to frighten or punish children who misbehave. The appearance and functions of this figure vary considerably from culture to culture.
Many cultures around the world feature in their folklore some form or other of supernatural dogs. Usually associated with death, the underworld and the
element of fire, this fearsome beast acts as a guardian of the supernatural lore.
Many cultures around the world feature in their folklore some form or other of supernatural dogs. Usually associated with death, the underworld and the
element of fire, this fearsome beast acts as a guardian of the supernatural lore.
In numerous religions and mythologies around the world, demons or devils are evil spirits who can take on a frightful appearance and act with malicious intent. They are frequently seen as the embodiment of vice and evil inclinations such as pride or gluttony.
In numerous religions and mythologies around the world, demons or devils are evil spirits who can take on a frightful appearance and act with malicious intent. They are frequently seen as the embodiment of vice and evil inclinations such as pride or gluttony.